The following dizzy doodads make us feel...
Stop those shivers by slipping a shawl over your shoulders, preferably one with oodles of fringe & flowers. Surely Frida Kahlo would be proud!

I couldn't part with the red shawl...
...but this incredible black one is for sale!
Frida's Favourite $14 |
It's something spectacular and far less scary when creepy crawlers come in jewellery form. The faux jade, lapis, and coral are a symphony of colour and the tiny pearls tweak our interest. Such a piece would make a splendid gift for the Scorpio in your life!
Scorpio Moon $10 |
This fanciful belt would fit a frolicking fairy, but you may fasten this fun-loving brooch wherever you choose.
A dainty bow and the creamiest of roses mingle in this darling brooch. We envision it being worn in the Edwardian style, just as our beloved cameos.
Rosy Delight $10 |
Our minds quickly wander to what Georgia O'Keeffe says of her large-scale flower paintings: "I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could no longer ignore its beauty." These words best express our feelings about this rare-sized brooch!
Georgia in Love $10 |
Since we profess our love for brooches on the regular, it's no surprise that we are in a dither over their tiny toddlers: scatter pins.
Our minds skedaddle to-and-fro at the striking ways to sprinkle them. Spruce up your outfits by pinning one to each side of a collar, placing them to mimic a row of buttons, or wearing them in cheerful clusters. We can safely say that these sweet jewels scatter sunshine upon any garment!
Oysters Fall in Love $10 |
The shoesies on Ginger Rogers' lapel makes us giddy because…
...we have similar ones for sale!
Fancy Footwork $10 |
If Alice was attending a swanky soiree in Wonderland, she would dizzily dance the night away with her dangly squiggle earrings swaying to the beat!
This lovable set of vintage Avon butterfly earrings make our hearts flutter. The interchangeable wings come in the most heavenly hues. We believe they would be a delightful gift for the darling little dolly in your life!
Flight of Colour $25 |
Our adoration for apples continues with these amusing ashtrays. Using them to serve olives at your next wine & cheese, housing tea lights to add quirk to the ambiance, or as a resting spot for precious rings and earrings would also work wondrously!
Them Apples $8 |
Dodo Bird salt and pepper shakers are definitely dizzy doodads, and even more intriguing is the fact that the Dodo Bird is one of the curious creatures inhabiting Wonderland!
All must have Prizes! $12 |
Today's post is a friendly reminder of our dizzy nature. As you twirl about in our pop-up shop, you'll spy our vastly various collection, something we like to call a "beautiful mess."
The unusual and forgotten hold a special place in our hearts. Rescuing mysterious pieces is our passion because we believe these starry wonders deserve a chance to shine on.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole
world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."-Roal Dahl