08 June 2014

Happy (Un)birthday!

It's been a year since our dizzy alice debut, so without further ado...
Photo Credit: Moments by Lauren
 Happy Birthday to us!
This photo was captured at our first pop-up. We were armed with our love for Alice, ample curiosity, and a spring in our step!
Photo Credit: Travis Muise
Our adventure has been smashing and we know one thing for sure: Hamilton is our Wonderland!

Here is our year in review:


Laughed heartily and often...
Sipped a walloping amount of tea...
Photo Credit: Travis Muise
…and usually in the most peculiar of places...
We gobbled copious amounts of toothsome tea fare...
Photo Credit: Moments by Lauren Makeup: Little Red Lipstick
Acquainted ourselves with the White Rabbit & Mock Turtle...
Experienced engrossing conversations with flowers...
Relished being topsy-turvy and backwards in the Looking-Glass World...
Got the "mean reds" at a Mad Tea Party...
Photo Credit: Travis Muise
Perfected our Cheshire Cat grins...
Read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland many times over - even when we weren't supposed to!
Professed our love for the Queen of Hearts…
Makeup: Kelly Henderson
Got as close as Tweedle-dee & Tweedle-dum...
Photo Credit: Moments by Lauren   Makeup: Little Red Lipstick
Photo Credit: Travis Muise Makeup: Little Red Lipstick
Brushed up on our curtseys...
Made friends with our dizzy wares...
Chased time because after all, round goes the clock in a twinkling!
Photo Credit: Travis Muise
In between dancing and daydreaming, we even conducted dizzy business...
Finally, we tried to fit through itty bitty doors!
Photo Credit: Travis Muise

Tea for two and two for tea
Thanks to you for supporting we!

Photo Credit: Moments by Lauren Makeup: Little Red Lipstick
Love & Muchness,
dizzy alice


  1. Love LOVE Dizzy Alice! You two are adorable. Happy Unbirthday indeed!

  2. Thanks for the kind words and the birthday wishes, Margot :) xo
